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  • Writer's pictureJenine Kastner

Threaded Discussions:Creating a Model for Blended Learning in K-8:

Updated: Jul 31, 2020

During school closure, teachers have enhanced their skills, comfort level, and practices using google classroom. It is a interactive learning management system with many capabilities to enhance learning.

Threaded Discussions are strategically crafted activities to engage students in conversation with their peers. Threads can engage students to share their opinions, interests, reflect on learning, ask questions, and foster ideas. This format allows contributions to the learning process while engaging with other students.

Hattie’s research identifies classroom discussions as having an effect size on student achievement of 0.82, which is significant statistically. This data reflects a two years growth in one year.

Classroom discussions also foster communication and increase student skills by allowing them to have a safe format to voice their opinions, questions, and thoughts. This becomes an invaluable assessment tool for teachers as they can assess what students have learned and how students can articulate their learning. During on-line learning, threaded discussions allow for classroom dialogue which creates an environment where everyone is learning from each other, reflecting on learning, and engaging in a community of learners.

There are many valuable ways to utilize threaded discussions in Google Classroom. Teachers can post questions which cover new and previous learning, reveal what students know, what they want to learn, how students learn and interpret information, and pose questions. Threaded discussion also can be utilized to help students synthesize information, analyze data, and interpret meaning. This format also gives students the opportunity to pose differing opinions and have group discussions around a myriad of topics. By providing multimedia sources, website links or different readings, students can be encouraged to craft responses that take into consideration different perspectives.

Every Google Classroom Assignment has the option of adding a public comment thread. These comments can be seen by everyone in the Classroom. The comment thread can be the most convenient way to have an online discussion with students.

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