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Blended Learning, Our New Normal, and Special Education 
Dr. Jenine Kastner

Teaching and Learning in 2020

As educators, we created a major pedagogical shift in our teaching and student learning overnight.  Our growth and insight to new ways to teach and help students grow during an unknown time was astronomical. Teachers learned new ways to share their lessons, record videos, have virtual meetings, and engage students in learning through different pathways. Although educators across America are teaching from the safety of their homes, this process was not an easy one. We created remote learning environments to allow for safety while continuity of learning. This blog is focusing on transformational teaching, learning and leadership. 

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Executive Functioning Skills

Excellent Training - Smart But Scattered- Executive Functioning Skills. Excellent Book: Smart But Scattered- I recommend this to parents...


Highly recommend this book for school administrators and all teachers! Great writing strategies and cross curricular ideas. The Writing...

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